Property Management Blog

5 Ways Property Investors Can Boost Property Worth

Ally Trygar - Thursday, October 26, 2023
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What will make your investment property more valuable? 

In many cases, this will depend on the property itself, especially the type of home it is, its location, condition, and age. 一旦我们对您的房产进行评估,并考虑到需要改进的地方,我们很乐意提出一些具体的建议. 

我们也可以提出一些一般性的建议,今天我们就来分享一下. 当你想增加你的财产的租金价值和长期价值, 我们认为有了这五条建议,你会得到最好的结果. 

1. Well-Maintained Homes are Worth More

你的房产状况对你收取的租金有很大的影响, 而且维护良好的房屋租金总是更高. Well-qualified residents will have high expectations, and they’ll be willing to pay more for a home that’s clean, functional, and attractive. Before you rent out the property, 进行彻底的检查,并负责任何需要的维修或更换. 

Once a resident is in place, 如果你想增加并最大化你的财产价值,你就需要立即关注留存率. 对住客的维修请求和维护需求做出回应. Even minor issues should be taken care of right away. Not only does it retain residents, 它还能确保你的财产的状况和价值得到保护. 

2. Invest in Energy Efficiency

Going green has become more than a trend; it’s practically a necessity in today’s environmental - and business - climate. By improving the energy efficiency of your property, 你不仅可以在空置和人员流动期间减少自己的水电费, you’ll also keep energy costs lower for your residents. 你会为有环保意识的居民提供更理想的出租房屋. 

And, you’ll boost the value of your property. 

你不必用太阳能板覆盖你的屋顶来投资能源效率. Instead, choose some simple, energy-focused upgrades. Check your insulation. 这是一个很好的起点,将确保你保持良好的室内空气质量. 你也可以把现有的灯泡换成节能的LED灯泡. 淋浴装置和厕所可以切换到较低的水流, 即使是新的窗户也会对你能够节省的能源产生巨大的影响. If your appliances are old and loud and non-efficient, replace them with those that carry an Energy Star rating.


In southern California, 居民在决定是否入住时,越来越多地考虑到潜在租赁的能源效率. It makes sense from a financial standpoint; they want to pay less for utilities every month. It also speaks to the growing popularity of climate awareness and an interest in sustainability; this is what your residents are looking for in their next rental home. When you can provide it, you’ll earn more. 

3. Landscaping and Curb Appeal

美学和功能一样重要当我们讨论财产价值和 rental prices. 人们愿意花更多的钱住在一个有吸引力的、受欢迎的、邀请的房子里. 即使只是几个花坛或在窗前修剪的灌木,也会对你的房产的外观和潜在居民的看法产生巨大的影响. 

对于圣地亚哥的出租房产来说,外观吸引力几乎和位置一样重要, 这是因为这是你有机会给别人留下的第一印象. Freshly mowed lawns, simple and efficient landscaping, 房屋和门上漂亮的油漆颜色会对你的收费和你的财产的最终价值产生很大的影响. 

Invest in a great landscaping overhaul, 无论你是有一个大的围栏院子还是只有一个小院子. It contributes to your curb appeal, your ability to attract residents, and the value of your investment. 

4. Pull Out the Carpet and Consider Hard Surface Floors

你能把你出租的房子里的地毯弄得多干净? A professional steam-clean between residents is great, but still - unless you’ve just installed it, this is always going to be old carpet. 


  • Your rental property will be worth more. 

  • Residents will find the floors more attractive. 

  • They’ll be easier to clean and maintain.

  • 你不必每次更换地毯时都清洗或更换地毯. 

地毯会困住过敏原、气味、灰尘和跳蚤、螨虫等害虫. 不要铺地毯,换硬地板吧. Hardwoods are not necessary; you can find a lot of great laminate surfaces such as faux wood, tile, and even vinyl. Look for something durable and cost-effective. 你不会后悔升级的,尤其是当你赚了更多的租金,你的房子也升值了. 

5. Partner with a Property Manager 


Actually, yes. 物业经理了解当地市场,可以确保您的物业保持更高的利润和竞争力. 当你可以利用这些专业知识来更准确地定价时, your lease renewal negotiations, your marketing,以及您的维护,让专业十大赌博信誉网站的投资物业轻松增值. Smart investors know this, 这就是为什么他们会毫不犹豫地与经验丰富的圣地亚哥物业经理合作. 

物业经理会就准备房屋进入租赁市场提出建议; investing in upgrades and updates, and managing preventative maintenance. 所有这些都减少了不必要的成本和昂贵的紧急维修. 

Don’t wait until something goes wrong to partner with a property management professional. 你们越早开始合作,你的投资房产就会越有利可图. 

Contact Property Manager如果您对如何获得更成功和更有利可图的投资经验有任何疑问, contact your local San Diego property management experts. 我们希望您与PURE物业十大赌博信誉网站公司取得联系. 

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