


Thinking about selling your 圣地亚哥 investment property? 

这样做有几个很好的理由. 也许你需要一些钱来做其他的事情, and you want to get that home sold before the market shifts and selling becomes more challenging. 也许你对投资有其他的想法. Perhaps you’ve decided to diversify your portfolio or you’re conducting a 1031 exchange. 

Whatever your reasons for moving on, selling an investment property is your prerogative. Selling an investment property that has a tenant in place, 然而, 能呈现出一点独特的挑战吗. 除非你要卖给另一个房地产十大赌博信誉网站, your buyers might purchase your home with the intention of moving in right away. 


让我们来看看如何销售 租客自住物业 and what kind of rights your tenants have when you do sell the home. 


Tenant communication is going to be critical during the sales process. Your residents deserve to know that you’re planning to sell the home they’re living in. You don’t want them to be surprised by a For Sale sign suddenly appearing on the front lawn one day. 


给你房子里的房客写封信, notifying them of your intent to list the property for sale. Several details will need to be provided in this letter, including: 

  • 关于将要发生的事情的时间表. Tell your tenants when the home will be officially listed on the market. 

  • 有关放映通知期的资料. You’re legally required to provide notice to your tenants before you schedule a showing. 

  • 潜在的奖金激励. 你需要房客的帮助来出售你的房产. If they’re willing to cooperate by keeping the home clean and by vacating the property during showings or open houses, you might consider offering a discount on rent while the home is on the market. 

  • 购买要约. 你永远不会知道. If your tenants really love your home and they’re in a place to buy it, 也许他们会给你一个机会. 

尽早开始沟通, and remain open and available for any of the questions they’re likely to have.


While you do have the right to sell your occupied rental property, 你的租户也有一些权利. 

在大多数情况下, your tenants will have the right to stay in the property until the end of the lease term. If there are still six or seven months left on the lease, 这是相当大的义务, and it may inhibit your ability to sell the property quickly. 

Consider negotiating with your tenants to leave early, if you’re hoping to sell a vacant home. 你可以提供经济奖励, or maybe you have other rental properties that they might be interested in seeing. 看看他们愿意做什么. Ultimately, they don’t have to move until their lease is up. 但是,如果价格合适,他们可能愿意这么做.


出售租客 圣地亚哥出租物业 会带来一些挑战吗, and one of the largest obstacles may be showing your property while tenants are living there. Most real estate experts would agree that it’s better to market and show a home that’s free of personal belongings, 杂乱, 还有一种别人住在家里的感觉. 

但, 你必须利用现有的资源, 而现在, 你的房子里住着一个房客. 

Your tenants may be anxious about this sale and what it means for them. Be sensitive to that, and do whatever you can to accommodate them during the showing process. If you want them to cooperate (and you do), make this process as easy for them as possible. 

  • 和房客谈谈他们的日程安排. 它会告诉你什么时候看房子最方便. Limit your showings to only those times that the tenants are generally away from the house. If they work during the day, schedule the showings during their working hours. If they tend to travel on the weekends, keep your showing schedule to Saturdays and Sundays. This helps tenants feel like they have some control over the situation. 

  • 考虑支付园林绿化和清洁费用. You’ll need your tenants to keep the property looking good, 希望他们愿意这么做. You may want to offer a cleaning service every week or two. Send a landscaper to mow and weed so that your curb appeal is outstanding while you’re selling your property. 

  • 在放映前尽可能多地提供通知.

If you have a good relationship in place with good tenants, 这对你们俩都没必要太难. 和你的房客谈谈他们可能担心的问题. Discuss a strategy to ensure that you’re able to show your property with minimal disruptions to your tenants. 


Relocation assistance is required if you ask your tenants to move out through no cause of theirs. You’re not evicting them for nonpayment of rent or lease violations. You’re evicting them or not renewing the lease agreement because you’re selling the property. 

California law sets your relocation assistance at the equivalent of one month’s rent. 

You can also work with tenants to find a new place to live. If you really want them to move out before the end of the lease term, 考虑用现金换钥匙. You can take back your property with a month or two of notice if your tenants are willing to accept your relocation assistance. Offer more than the one month’s rent if it will help them move on peaceably. 

Maybe you’ll sell to another investor who is delighted to buy a 租客自住物业. However, you can’t be sure who will purchase your property. Prepare for what you’ll do when you want to sell your rental home with a tenant still living there. 

物业经理的建议It’s always a good idea to get some support and advice from a 圣地亚哥物业经理. 我们可以帮忙. Tell us about your situation and we can make some recommendations. 十大赌博信誉网站 在北郡地产集团工作.


