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How to Convert Your Home into a Rental Property 在圣地亚哥

System - Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Thinking about converting your 圣地亚哥 home into a rental property? Well, you’ve come to the right place!

当你准备跨入租赁所有权业务时,有许多因素需要记住. 这需要大量的研究,知道该做什么,让你的财产在租赁市场上运行的开始. 从长远来看,像使用智能设备这样的小事情可以产生巨大的影响. 

Luckily, we here at North County Property Group 撑住你的背! 我们整理了一份清单,列出了让你的出租房屋成功的关键因素:

1. Make Your Property Rent-Ready

It can often come as a surprise that, while your property may seem acceptable to you, it might not be for the tenant! 将房屋转换为出租物业最重要的任务之一是确保它对租房者来说处于适当的状态. 例如, a leaky faucet may not bother you, but it may nag a tenant. 作为一个极端, you have something like faulty wiring, and you could quickly find yourself in legal turmoil over safety concerns. 

A rent-ready property means it will show well and be most appealing for tenants. If you market a property that isn’t rent-ready, it may lose momentum on the rental market and sit vacant for longer. 为了避免这种情况, items may need to be repaired or cleaned, or improvements like new paint, 地毯, and appliances can be implemented. 

rent ready property

North County Property Group owns its own maintenance company, 维护Sync, that can make your property rent-ready. We can handle all the necessary improvements to boost your market appeal. 所有的细节都将为你处理,所以你不必担心任何事情!

2. Consider Using Smart Devices 

Smart home devices are a big plus, adding value to your rental and increasing tenant happiness. 恒温器、安全摄像头、门铃和照明等都可以是智能设备. They can help attract residents who may feel more secure with these features, potentially paying even more in rent for them. 它还通过远程电子访问消除了房东的钥匙十大赌博信誉网站麻烦. 

另外, 智能设备可以降低家庭能源和维护成本,或者监控温度控制和水的使用. 例如,它可以为漏水提供警报,并帮助你避免昂贵的维修费用. 

Smart devices can, however, also be more pricy. 家庭安全系统的价格可能在80-500美元之间,取决于你想安装的功能. 租房者也可能觉得自己被业主或物业经理监视着, 或者你可能会发现你不赞成他们的生活方式,并陷入冲突.

smart devices properties

最终,这取决于你衡量租赁智能设备功能的利弊. Every property owner has their personal preference!

3. Budget for 维护

Remember, maintenance costs don’t end once you find a tenant. If you’re converting your home into a rental property, you need to have maintenance budgets 记住. In general, you can use one of the following rules as a guide:

  • 1%规则:这个流行的规则规定,每年应该留出房产购买价格的1%用于维护和维修成本

  • 平方英尺法则:每年每平方英尺的租金预算为1美元, 但请记住,在建筑材料和承包商方面,各地区的成本各不相同 

  • 租差储备规则:应将收到的业主分配的10-15%存作维修保养之用 

  • 混合方法:每月将上述各项规则的平均值放在一边

有我们自己的维修公司和认可的供应商和分包商名单, 当涉及到物业维护时,北县物业集团为您提供服务. With our oversight and coordination, we can make the rental experience much easier for property owners. 

4. Get Insurance Coverage 

在安排租客并开始您的租赁物业所有者之旅之前,您需要获得 insurance coverage. With long-term rentals (generally unfurnished, year-long leases), there are two kinds of insurance policies you must have:

  • “出租住宅”政策:这是最低$1,000,000的公共和房屋责任保险. 由于没有私人物品,它的费用比房主保险要低, 在房屋无法居住的情况下,赔偿重建期间损失的租金, 物业经理也可能在保单上投保(标准程序)。


  • 租客保险:这是由租客获得的,目的是提供租客责任保险和为他们的个人物品投保. 为房东, 它可以防止租户发生事故,并保护他们的住房在重建期间变得不适合居住. 这个保险政策的不同取决于房产是否配有家具,是短期的还是长期的. 值得注意的是,传统形式的租客保险不适用于短期/度假租赁

5. Establish a Rental Rate 

As we mentioned in our Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Brainstorm podcast在考虑出租房产时,租金是最重要的因素之一. 虽然你可能知道你想要的价格,但最终决定租金的是市场. But what is the market rate?

Like the stock market, it fluctuates. 这是基于供求关系、地理位置、便利设施和季节性等因素. 例如, 在圣地亚哥, 假日季节和仲夏是租房最慢的时候,因为人们不想在这个时候搬家.

To get an exact number, market comparatives (比较)被使用. 这是对你附近的其他类似房产的分析,这些房产正在市场上出售或最近刚租出去. 请记住,Zillow为潜在租户提供了一个估计值. 如果你定价太高,他们就会知道,你的房产就会闲置. 

With North County Property Group, 我们与业主合作,并考虑市场,以获得最佳的租金. With the fluctuations of the rental market, adjustments are to be expected. 我们在第一周就知道租金是否理想,这取决于我们得到的反馈. 如果10天内询盘太少,我们将降价3-5%. In 10 more, another 3-5%. After 30 days, 4-5%. We’ve had a huge amount of success with this strategy! 


When it comes to converting your 圣地亚哥 home into a rental property, there’s a ton of factors that must be considered. 从准备好你的房产租金到维护预算,再到找到一个租金价格, it can be a daunting task for those just stepping into the rental industry. 

考虑聘请像North County property Group这样的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司提供专业服务. 我们可以为您提供上述所有任务以及其他许多方面的服务,如房地产营销, tenant screening or even buying a rental property. 需要多年的经验才能确切地知道如何使出租房屋取得成功, and we can help get you there without all the trouble!




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