

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2015年4月1日星期三


It looks like the City of Del Mar has again been blindsided by the 22nd Agricultural District Fair Board’s actions. The Sandpiper has recently discovered that an ongoing, 直到现在, secret 3-way negotiation has been underway between the Fair Board, 圣地亚哥闪电队, 以及扫兴者发展公司. In an effort to retain the Chargers locally, and in the absence of support from the city of 圣地亚哥, the Chargers management has approached the Fair Board with a proposition to build a new, one of a kind NFL football stadium on the Del Mar Fairgrounds. Since the 22nd Ag District is state owned, the development would be paid for with California funds. With the Chargers endorsement of the proposal, Killjoy has presented conceptual plans to the Fair Board for its approval.

私下讲话, because of the sensitive nature of the ongoing negotiations, one Charger official described the unique features of the planned stadium, and its relationship to the fairgrounds and the surrounding communities. He emphasized the relatively light footprint that the stadium 将会有 due to the novel design program and the economic analysis that will make it possible. He went on to explain that unlike the trend in other new NFL football stadiums, Del Mar’s Charger Stadium 将会有 a relatively low attendee capacity of around 10,000名观众. This will be due to the fact that the Stadium will be designed and constructed to maximize the number of private box suites. “In fact,” he said, “it will be almost exclusively private boxes. 它肯定是铅笔,他接着说, 解释那间私人套房, holding 10 or so individuals will bring in more revenue than selling 100 ordinary stadium seats. A demographic analysis of Del Mar and other upscale North County communities predicts an ever-rising demand for private, 高级观景套房. The Chargers figure that by selling season rentals of 100 luxury boxes they will more than break-even.在那之后, 所有其他收入来源, 比如电视转播权, 餐饮, 而运动用品则是纯粹的肉汁,他接着说. 煞风景spokeperson, 罗兹曼尼, described a conceptual plan that calls for four levels of box suites, 无论是在高度还是态度上. 成本最低的“理想”单位, 青铜套房, 会离场地最近吗, 每个座位可容纳10-12位客人, and have a self-stocked bar with flat screen TVs. Next will be the “social climber” Silver Suites, 能更好地看到整个场地, 并增加了按摩浴缸等设施, 美食厨房设施. The “Executive” penultimate “Gold Suites” 将会有 ocean views, 并包括一个室外壁炉, 烧烤和礼宾服务. Finally the spacious Corporate two storey Penthouse Platinum Suites, 将会有, 除了, spectacular 360 degree views of the ocean and distant mountains, 户外披萨烤箱, 酒窖, 还有船上的厨师和按摩师. The Chargers are certain that given the trending nature of the Del Mar market, the pricing will be appealing for many in the area. Killjoy still faces a number of environmental and community hurdles that must be overcome before construction is approved. Parking and traffic concerns are being addressed in the current plans. Since the new stadium will occupy much of the existing fairgrounds parking facilities, new parking will need to incur much farther into the surrounding lagoon and floodplain. Mr. Rhodes described a unique parking system that is being designed. All parking spaces will be supported on pontoons, so that during flooding conditions the parked cars will be floated above the water. Space between the pontoon floats will be reserved for native flora and fauna. Even though the amount of stadium traffic will be minimized by the exclusitivity of the venue, Rhodes explained that any excess traffic will be handled by a unique state of the art GPS system which will control the network of traffic signals in the surrounding area, so that the VIP box holders can pass through unimpeded. He also explained that Killjoy will mitigate any of Del Mar community concerns regarding the high cost of attending a football game with a stadium consisting of all private suites. “We’ve crunched the numbers and are willing to designate 10% of the stadium capacity as affordable seating, for those that don’t have the means or the wealthy friends to enjoy the game in one of the private suites. We estimate that those seats will sell for somewhere in the neighborhood of $100-$200 each.” A Charger representative described other community outreach efforts planned to ease the concerns of those near the development. “We are sending out a poll to all of the residents of the neighboring communities to get their opinion of which high-end retailers they would like to see in the subterranean shopping mall that will be constructed underneath the stadium. 一切就绪, 冲锋队将留在该地区, 但将被称为德尔玛充电器. Plans are to break ground on April 1 2016. 请继续关注. 更多信息请访问:www.GotchaAprilFools.com.  Reprinted from the Del Mar Sandpiper, Volume 20, Number 3, April 2015 (http://delmarsandpiper.org/Pages/News2015-04/April2015-01.html)


