Property 十大赌博信誉网站 博客

Pros and Cons of Rental Property 十大赌博信誉网站

Bob Preston - Tuesday, February 22, 2022


你可能对房东对你的要求有一个基本的了解, 或者你刚刚开始,对租房一无所知. Or perhaps you are an experienced landlord, 但是你发现日常的运作占用了你太多的时间,让你无法坐下来制定一个游戏计划,通过更多的投资来扩大你的投资组合. 

在本文中, 北县物业集团将带您了解租赁物业十大赌博信誉网站的利弊,以便您做出选择 the right decision for your investment needs

Pros of Hiring a Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Company

Pro #1: Property Managers Come with Industry Experience 

一个好的 圣地亚哥 property management company will have many years of experience managing rental properties. 公司运营的时间越长,公司的战略和流程就越完善. 

一个成熟的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司将有一个久经考验的租户筛选过程, excellent marketing skills, 以及快速有效地处理维护和维修的能力. 

像North County property Group这样的老牌物业十大赌博信誉网站公司已经见证了这一切. 我们将运用我们的行业经验为您服务,并能顺利地处理那些对自我十大赌博信誉网站的房东来说势不可当的情况. 

Pro #2: Property Managers are Backed by Education

Under the law, all property managers in 圣地亚哥 are licensed real estate agents

Some property managers have other certifications as well, which go to show that they are reputable, trusted and committed to education. Look for certifications such as the RMP, MPM and CRMC. 

North County Property Group认为,继续教育对圣地亚哥的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司至关重要,首席执行官Bob Preston通过物业十大赌博信誉网站头脑风暴播客提供了宝贵的教育资源. 

property management education


  • How much rent to charge tenants 

  • The local tenancy laws to abide by

  • How to conduct rental marketing for maximum exposure 

Pro #3: Property Managers Understand the Law 

This is a big one! 做房东可不像找个租客收房租那么简单. 当你刚开始学习的时候,会涉及到更多的事情,学习法律可能会让你不知所措. 

作为房东,你有义务在出租房产时遵守某些法律. 例如, Fair Housing Act 房东有义务尊重和公平地对待他们的租户,而不管某些受保护的特征. 

不幸的是,新手房东很容易在不经意间歧视房客. 幸运的是,当你与一位经验丰富的物业经理合作时,你永远不必担心法律问题. They know what they are doing!

Pro #4: You Will Save a Lot of Time 

Managing a rental property isn’t a simple thing. It’s exhausting and time-consuming. You’ll be on call 24 hours a day, 一周7天, 一年365天,当涉及维护问题或租户需求时. 

If you hire a property management company though, you’ll have all the time to go about your life without any worries! Responding to your tenant’s maintenance issues at 2 am will no longer be your job. 

Pro #5: Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Companies Have Quick Response Times 

Whether it’s a maintenance issue or an emergency, 物业经理有行之有效的系统来确保问题立即得到解决. 

maintenance response times

When it comes to maintenance issues, 他们通常会有多个供应商和承包商随叫随到. These vendors have also been fully-vetted, 因此,你可以信任他们的工作质量,而不是冒险做出可能没有经过适当研究的选择. 北县物业集团是独一无二的,因为我们的姐妹公司维护同步, a licensed General Contractor. 

Pro #6: Property Managers Excel at 市场营销 and Tenant Retention 

刚开始的时候,你可能会认为一旦找到了房客,困难的部分就结束了. 然而, that only solves half of the equation. To solve the other half, you’ll need to know how to retain one. 


Cons of Hiring a Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Company

Con #1: Hiring a Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Company Comes at a Cost 

成本可能是人们考虑聘请物业经理的最大障碍. 然而, when you review 成本 and consider your own time, 你会惊奇地发现物业经理收取的费用通常是相当合理的. 

寻找收费结构清晰透明的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司. 确保你清楚地知道你所支付的是什么,以及会发生什么. 经验丰富的物业经理会很乐意与您坐下来,详细介绍他们的服务和费用. 

Con #2: A Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Company Means Less Involvement for You

这是聘请物业十大赌博信誉网站公司的一个潜在缺点,如果你感到你将失去对你的财产的控制, or if you want to stay heavily involved in the day-to-day operations. 

rental property involvement

If you’re the sort of person that likes to be hands-on at all times, then self-management might be the best option for you. 然而, 一个好的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司应该能够让你放心,当涉及到从你的财产退后一步. 像北县物业集团这样的公司将始终让您了解您的物业的最新表现, so even though you become hands-off, you are kept in the loop. 

Con #3: Property 十大赌博信誉网站 Companies Are Not Created Equally  

Just like everything else in life, you’ll need to do your research prior to hiring a property manager. 你会想要雇佣一个你可以信任的物业经理,他会努力填补空缺,诚实地十大赌博信誉网站你的钱. If you make the wrong hire, the opposite could be true. 


North County Property Group has over 20 years of property management experience. 您可以相信我们会提供高质量的服务,旨在超越客户的期望. 

十大赌博信誉网站客户的租赁物业时,我们有三个主要目标:一, 成为您值得信赖的顾问,保护您的租赁物业投资. Two, to help you achieve your real estate financial goals. 第三,解放你的时间,这样你就可以做其他重要的事情!

我们还应该补充说,我们是圣地亚哥唯一一家获得认证住宅十大赌博信誉网站公司称号的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司吗? Yes, we are that good! 请与我们联系,了解我们如何帮助您实现您的投资目标. 



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