

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2022年1月20日星期四

考虑在圣地亚哥买房? 如果是这样,那么你来对地方了! 

Buying a home is a major endeavor, 和 organizing your finances is a large part of that. For most people, loans are a great way to accomplish purchasing your house! However, knowing the 贷款限制 in 圣地亚哥县 is an important step before pursuing a mortgage. 

在一般情况下, the maximum amount you can receive when financing a home purchase is called the conforming loan limit. This money is sourced from a lender who uses federal protection for this transaction. However, this exact amount varies depending on a few factors, such as your county. There are also multiple mortgage tiers to consider based on your needs. 

感觉不知所措? 不用担心! 北县地产集团, 圣地亚哥一家领先的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司, has provided the following guide to help you learn how to finance your next home purchase!


There are three possible tiers when it comes to mortgages. As of January 1st, 2022, the 贷款限制 in 圣地亚哥县 are as follows: 

  • 符合规定的贷款:最高647,200美元

  • 超级合格贷款:647,201美元至879,750美元

  • 大额贷款:879,750美元及以上 

If a lender tells you that the mortgage loan limit is $647,200, 他们可能指的是符合标准的贷款. 在圣地亚哥县,你不受这个数额的限制, 然而, 圣地亚哥县 is known for having its real estate be on the pricier side. As a result, you can take out a super conforming loan or even a jumbo loan. 


但你可能会问,这两者有什么区别呢? 为什么不申请一笔巨额贷款作为标准呢? Many homebuyers lean towards conforming loans due to their lower interest rates. 超合格贷款, 尤其是巨额贷款, 往往有更高的费用, 更高的利率, 对申请者的标准也非常严格. 

Ultimately, it depends on the type of property you’re purchasing. Those looking to buy luxury real estate, for example, often lean more towards jumbo loans but with 房价上涨 in 圣地亚哥, jumbo loans are also becoming more 和 more popular with the average homebuyer. 


Mortgage loans that fall under the conforming or super conforming categories follow 房利美(Fannie Mae)房地美(Freddie Mac) 的指导方针. This basically means that your mortgage is allowed to be sold by lenders on the open market. 如果你是这些概念的新手,这没有问题! We’ve provided a brief guide on conventional mortgages below to help: 


The Federal National Mortgage Association (房利美(Fannie Mae)/FNMA) 和 The Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation (房地美(Freddie Mac)/FHLMC) were established by Congress as financial services corporations. They are what’s called GSEs, or government-sponsored enterprises. 

The purpose of their establishment was to promote credit flow 和 make homeownership more accessible as a result. This is done through the creation of a secondary mortgage market, which serves to increase the funds available for mortgage loan sources. 


简而言之, 贷款人进行抵押贷款, 房利美和房地美 buy this mortgage from them, then give the lender money to provide another mortgage for the next person in need of one. 房利美和房地美 take the mortgages they’ve purchased 和 sell them on the open market as mortgage-backed securities.


房利美和房地美 won’t purchase just any mortgage offered to them. There are rigid rules in place for what mortgages they accept. A conforming loan, for example, follows these set 的指导方针. Many lenders follow these rules in order to sell on the secondary market 和 increase their funds to make more loans. One crucial rule set by 房利美和房地美 is the conforming mortgage limit. 

自2008年以来, 联邦住房金融局 (FHFA)监管了房利美和房地美. Annual conforming mortgage 贷款限制 are published by the FHFA, detailing the prices depending on location 和 property type. 从今年开始, the new 圣地亚哥 loan limit for single-family properties is $879,750, 高达126美元,比2021年增加500人. 


Luxury homes tend to be priced too high for conventional mortgage lenders. 再次重申, jumbo loans are those above the limits of conforming loans that are guaranteed by the government. 作为回应,加州已经 严格的要求 对于那些寻求巨额贷款的人. 这些包括: 

  • 20% down payment in order to get the top interest rates

  • FICO评分至少700分,也是最好的利率

  • 38-50%的债务收入比 

  • 200万美元贷款上限(很少为300万美元) 

  • LTV(贷款价值比)85-90%以上的按揭保险


The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) guarantees 和 insures loans, 然而,他们也受到抵押贷款限额的限制. Despite being a separate entity from 房利美和房地美, 他们往往有匹配的贷款限额. As such, it will come as no surprise that the 2022 FHA loan limit in 圣地亚哥 is also $879,750. 



美国.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA)是一个独特的案例. As part of the Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2019, 自1月1日起, 2020, there are no 贷款限制 for mortgages insured by the VA. Borrowers are instead dependent on their lender’s qualifications when it comes to mortgage limits. 


Buying a home in 圣地亚哥 is a major choice that requires extensive thought 和 planning. If you’re thinking of purchasing an investment property in 圣地亚哥, you want to make sure 您选择的财产 is one that will provide a great return on investment for the long run. 

作为圣地亚哥顶级的物业十大赌博信誉网站公司, 北县地产集团 is where to go if you’re looking for a successful real estate investment experience! 

We’re determined to help you reach your financial goals, 和 with our extensive services 和 years of industry experience, 我们一定会满足你所有的需求. To learn more about how we can help you, contact us today! 


