
Is it Time to Move-up 和 Buy a Larger Home?

Bob Preston - Saturday, September 21, 2013


Virtually dead during the recession, move-up buying has resurfaced again in 圣地亚哥县. Property owners have been emboldened by rising 房价 to list their homes 和 re-enter the market themselves.  Rising home values have meant more borrowers have emerged from negative equity, giving them the chance to break even or make a profit when selling. 圣地亚哥县 sales in the $300,000 to $800,000范围, generally the move-up category, rose nearly 50 percent in July 2013 compared with a year ago, figures from real estate tracker DataQuick show. 销售 in the entry-level market, below $300,000, fell 25 percent in July, compared with a year ago.

Remaining home inventory also provides clues of a more-vibrant move-up market. The number of homes on the market between $500,000元及800元,000 is at a four months’ supply, 也就是“非常”, very healthy” compared with a year ago, when it was six to eight months. Movement in the trade-up market because those sellers tend to pay more visits to home-improvement stores to get furnishings 和 appliances.

Move-up buying has historically been a tricky process. Should homeowners sell first? 或者他们应该先买? The juggling act can get increasingly frustrating in the current market, where housing supply remains limited 和 unexpected blips in 抵押贷款利率 可能导致交易失败. Making sure the math makes sense is probably the first step in deciding if moving up is the right choice.


Figuring out whether the juggling act is worth it generally starts with finding the value of the home you plan to sell.

对于一些房主来说, recent home-price increases may mean they’re no longer underwater on their mortgages. That means they may be able to sell their homes for a profit or break even, which will help determine how much home you can afford.

A review of how much you make 和 how much money you owe also is key. Borrowers generally will need less than a 45 percent 债务收入比 to qualify for a fixed-rate mortgage, JC Agajanian说, a 圣地亚哥 房地产经纪人 who has recently worked with move-up buyers 和 has a mortgage background.

The buying or selling question depends on your financial position. Some people may need to sell first because they would need those proceeds for the down payment of the future home. 在过去, move-up buyers could get some flexibility with contingencies, where they would agree to buy on condition they are able to sell their own homes.

But contingencies have largely disappeared amid an increasingly competitive 房地产市场 that may give sellers more ready-to-go buyers.

“在我们所处的气候下, because things are absolutely feverish, sellers don’t have to subject themselves to locking up a contract 和 wait for a buyer to sell their property,阿加尼安说.


Not all move-up buyers shed their 起动器房屋. In some cases, they’re held as rental properties. Before deciding on this path, sellers should see if their lenders will count future rental income as income when calculating the mortgage. Holding multiple real estate mortgages in your personal name could throw your dept to income ratio out of whack if you are not careful.  Some savvy investors will move their properties being held into an LLC or some form of entity rather than keeping the property on their personal financial statement.

Reprinted from U~T 圣地亚哥, August 24, 2013

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