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投资出租物业 can be a smart move, especially in the San Diego market, which is strong, and continues to grow. 但是,你必须做得正确. How do you know if a San Diego property is worth your investment dollars? 

The investment decisions you make today will determine how you must manage the property tomorrow. If you’re still in the purchasing process or you’ve just started looking around at potential investments, you have time to make and execute plans that will result in a profitable and successful experience for you. 

当你评估要购买的房产时, 寻找那些可以减少空缺的公司, 增加租金收入, and attract the best possible tenants to your rental property. 

作为一个房地产十大赌博信誉网站,你的目标是 买一套租金快的房子 为了最高的租金. Knowing the difference between a great investment property and a problem property will shape what you buy and where you buy it. 

我们知道,市场可能会感觉有点不可预测. 但是,不要犯买错房子的错误. 这值得你花时间慢慢来, 仔细评估属性, and decide whether they fit into your investment goals and your strategy for earning great rental income and stable, 长期投资回报率.

Here’s how you’ll know if a property is worth your investment in San Diego.


Every investor understands the importance of location when it comes to real estate transactions. 

Examine vacancy rates across San Diego and its different neighborhoods. 你需要关注的领域是 较低的空置率 那里的租金很高,而且还在不断攀升. Investing in these areas will deliver a higher return on your investment. 赚取现金流的麻烦会少一些, and you won’t have to worry about long periods where you’re not earning any rental income at all. 

The best rental property location is an established neighborhood that’s a good mix of owner/occupant homes and rental properties. You want to buy in an area where people tend to stay, or where rental values are appreciating. 

You’re not looking at a good investment property if it’s in a location where rental rates have declined. Even if you find what you think is the perfect property, nothing is going to change its location. 


  • 靠近好学校

  • 交通方便,停车方便

  • 本地康乐及娱乐活动

  • Availability of shopping, grocery stores, and other conveniences. 

More and more tenants are choosing public transportation, bikes, and walkable neighborhoods. Quality residents are always looking for homes that make their lives easier and more enjoyable.


Are you considering an older property that needs a lot of work because the price tag is so attractive? It certainly seems like a good investment; you’ll spend less, and you’ll be able to put your own personal touches on the property as you renovate it.  

这种策略并不总是有效的, however, especially if you’re eager to get your property onto the market and into the hands of good tenants. Instead, it’s better to pay more for a well-maintained property that has a solid structure and good foundation. 

美容修复和更新是意料之中的, however you don’t want to invest a lot of time and money renovating a property that has really suffered or is difficult to imagine living in anytime soon. If this is your investment strategy, you’ll need to have some 优秀的供应商和承包商 排着队快速修理. The longer you spend fixing up your rental units, the longer it takes to earn any money on them. 

A property that’s worth your investment is ready to rent right now. Have the home inspected thoroughly by a professional inspector and a 圣地亚哥当地的物业经理. This will give you an idea of what you’ll have to do to get it ready for the rental market. If the cost and the timeline are too prohibitive, you might want to look for something else.


在你购买投资房产之前, 一定要查清楚法律, 规定, 以及可能影响您和您的租户的HOA法规. Each community has different ordinances and requirements for landlords. 在圣地亚哥, 你需要了解公平住房法, 租金管制法, 正当理由驱逐法, 以及保证金要求. 

Maybe you’re looking at a multi-family building with six or seven units. 如果它是15年前建的, you’ll need to be aware of the 租金管制法 and just-cause eviction restrictions that will apply to your property. 单户出租住宅, however, will not be subject to the same restrictions on raising the rent. 

Know how the statewide tenant protections will impact each property you’re considering. 

了解HOA规则也很重要. 否则,你最终可能会因违规行为支付巨额罚款. Some associations have rules about waiting periods when it comes to rental properties. There might be limits on how many homes in the community can be rented. You don’t want to buy an investment property and then learn you can’t yet rent it out. 



Before you select your investment property, talk to a 圣地亚哥当地的物业经理. 

你需要访问大量的租赁信息, and you’ll want to know how much work it will take to prepare the property, 吸引租客, 维护家园. Property managers do this every day, and we have the information that you need. 

Consider our perspective when you’re getting ready to purchase a home. 

  • We can visit the property with you and assess whether it will make a sound real estate investment. 

  • 我们可以告诉你需要支付多少维修费用. 

  • We can estimate how quickly it will take you to rent the home out, 

  • 我们可以谈谈你期望的租金收入. 

你会很高兴在购买之前得到了这个建议. Great property managers can keep you from making costly mistakes now and when you have tenants in place. 

Ultimately, a property that makes you money is worth your investment.  如果你需要帮助,请 十大赌博信誉网站 在北郡地产集团工作.


