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经济独立几乎是每个人的目标, whether you’re working a 9-5 and dreaming about owning your own business or working around the clock to build the business you’ve started. 除非你来自富有的世代, working towards financial independence feels like a worthy ambition. It gives you a huge financial goal and a steady sense of purpose.


You’ve heard before that real estate is a great way to build wealth. 你听说过这是一种赚取被动收入的工具. 用右手 物业组合, you can achieve financial independence with a few strategic steps. 


Beware the get-rich-quick promises that you might find on the internet or late-night television infomercials. 投资房地产 这需要时间和策略. 以下是我们推荐的第一步.

  1. 自学房地产投资

If you want to achieve financial independence with your real estate investments, 研究那些已经这样做过的人. 

了解你计划投资的市场. Study the rental values, the home prices, and the tenant pools. 你会想知道一直以来的趋势是什么. Are tenants looking for single-family rental homes or do they tend to rent condos, townhomes, 或者是大楼里的公寓? 

你的教育的一部分需要是建立人际关系网. 了解其他房地产十大赌博信誉网站. 谈谈他们在做什么. 从他们犯的错误中学习. 参加社交活动,加入社交媒体群. 

  1. 确定财务独立对你意味着什么

How much do you ultimately have to keep in the bank in order to feel financially independent? This is an important number to know before you begin investing in real estate. You have to know what you’re working towards so you’ll know when you get there. 


没有终点线, but you need to understand your present financial position and what kind of money you need to earn in order to realize financial independence. 这很大程度上取决于你的生活方式. 你需要多少收入来维持你的生活方式? 

  1. 制定财务和投资计划

You cannot succeed with real estate if you don’t have an investment plan. You need to know why you’re investing and what you hope to achieve. 

Once you have a solid investment plan in place, make a financial plan. 考虑融资选择. Determine whether your credit will hold up to lenders who are likely to put all of your earnings and debt under a microscope. Get to know brokers, lenders, insurance agents, attorneys, and agents. 与物业经理合作 越早越好.

  1. 开始建立你的事业

Financial independence won’t happen with a single property investment, but that’s where it starts. 

决定你能买什么,想买什么. 只要你拥有一处出租房产, you can leverage the equity you ultimately build to buy another. Continue investing as you look for opportunities to build your portfolio and your value. 

扩大投资组合 of rental properties will depend entirely on how much you need to make to get to that point of having financial freedom. 


Investing in 圣地亚哥 real estate provides some great opportunities for earning money and building wealth. 有两件重要的事情需要记住, whether you’re a new investor looking for your first purchase or an experienced investor who wants to grow an established portfolio and ultimately become financially independent:

  1. As we’ve said, real estate investing makes money over the long term. 你不会在几个月内变得富有.

  2. There are a lot of different ways to earn money in the 圣地亚哥 real estate market; you don’t have to rely on rental income only.

Let’s talk about some of the ways you can make money with a 圣地亚哥 rental property. 

  • 资本增值与增值

我们希望你能兑现你的 投资房地产 你买了就买. 但是,这不太可能. 

Capital appreciation is the increase of a home’s market value compared to its purchase price or acquisition cost. 当你把升值因素纳入你的投资策略时, you’ll see that it will help you earn the income you’re hoping for as the property increases in value.  圣地亚哥 real estate values are high, and they will likely continue to increase. 

  • 折旧和税收优惠 

人们很容易只想到流入的钱, but you also have to consider what you’re earning by taking advantage of tax breaks and especially depreciation. This will also take you down a path towards financial independence. 

You’ll need to declare all the income you earn off your rental property, but you can offset that income with any expenses related to your rental home. 这些可能包括:

还有其他几个, and we encourage you to speak with your CPA or tax accountant to get an idea of what you should be deducting to limit your tax liability. 

Depreciation allows you to deduct the investment and purchase costs of your rental property. 甚至更好的, you get to take this depreciation over the life of the investment instead of just in the year you purchase it. 目前,美国国税局的平均寿命为27岁.5 years on record for a home, so that’s the number you’ll use in your tax planning. 

  • 增加财产和租金价值

Increasing your property value is completely within your control. When you raise your rents and your tenants continue to pay down your mortgage, you’re earning equity. That’s a lot of power towards your goal of financial independence. 

Make improvements that will increase what you can earn in rent. A home that’s worth more on the rental market will get you towards financial freedom faster. 

房地产投资If you’d like some help working your way through the real estate investments that will bring you the most financial independence, 我们很乐意告诉你如何开始. 联系 our experienced team at 北县地产集团. 


