
Why You Should Convert Your Vacation Rental Into a Long Term Rental

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2023年5月5日星期五
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Renting out a vacation home in San Diego can be lucrative and busy. 这是一个受世界各地游客欢迎的小镇, and a lot of travelers prefer the privacy and ease of a residential rental property rather than a hotel. 

Your nightly rental rate is typically higher when you’re renting out a vacation property, but there’s a lot of work involved when you rent to short term guests. 不断有人员流动, 这就意味着要经常清洁, 维护, 为新客人做准备. 这是为了让你的房子被占用, 你可能会面临长时间的空缺期, 尤其是在淡季. 

As 圣地亚哥物业经理在美国,我们经常与度假租赁公司合作 业主 将他们的房产转为长期租赁. 有更多的稳定性 最终获得更高的投资回报率 当你有效地将一套长期出租的房屋租给居民. 

Here’s why you should consider changing your own property to a long term rental, and how we can help. 


Long term rentals come with less bureaucracy and fewer hoops for owners to jump through. Your vacation rental requires that you hold a Transient Occupancy Tax Certificate. 你收到的所有收入都要付额外的税, and you’re also required to obtain a Short Term Rental (STR) license or permit. 

When you’re a landlord or investor who is renting out a property for the long term (generally 12 months or more), 税费更少, 监管也少了很多. You’re contributing to the local housing community, and for that you can expect an easier process. 


Whether it’s a home you once lived in yourself or a property you invested in specifically to earn income, the consistent rental income you receive with a long term rental will contribute to higher returns overall. 你不会追逐每一个新订单, and you’ll be able to budget and plan a year or more in advance because you will know exactly how much money is coming in every month. 

圣地亚哥出租房屋的租金现在很高. We’re enjoying a strong market where there’s a high demand for well-maintained homes in desirable locations. Our tenants are well-qualified, and willing to pay the higher prices that the market demands. Whether you’re renting out a studio apartment or a large single-family home, 你会赚到一笔可观的租金收入. It will be recurring every month for the entire term of your lease. 

This stability means you have reserves to draw upon when there’s an expensive repair to make. When you establish a great tenant relationship with your long term residents, you’ll relax knowing that you have a partner who will pay rent on time and help you take care of the property. That’s not the type of peace of mind you get with short term rentals. 


在圣地亚哥有一处长期出租的房产, 你不需要做市场营销, selling, 一直都在做广告. 在职位空缺和人事变动期间, you’ll need to be strategic about how you market your home and what type of tenants you’re aiming to reach. 

It’s not as intense as when you’re marketing for tenants for your vacation rental. 

Your vacation rental does not make any money unless it’s consistently occupied. A vacancy period of a full month or several weeks will crush what you earn. 这是一种持续的需求 卖掉你的财产 给潜在的客人,锁定他们的预订. 

This type of high-intensity marketing costs money and takes a lot of time. 

A year-long lease will only require serious marketing once a year. 如果你能留住房客,那就更好了. You won’t have to market your property again until they’re ready to leave. 


Short term guests who are on vacation have a different relationship with your property than long term tenants. They don’t think of it as their home, so they don’t care about it as much. 

When a tenant signs a year-long lease, they are committing to caring for the property. 他们会帮你维护它, 他们会马上报告需要修理的地方, and in some cases they’ll play a role in landscaping and preventative 维护. 

Vacationers are looking for a home away from home, but they’re not thinking long term. They’re coming and going, and the wear and tear on your property will be higher. There’s far more deterioration on a home that’s used as a vacation rental. 


所有的度假房屋都需要配备家具. 这对业主来说是一笔巨大的开支. You need to maintain those furnishings and make sure the linens are super-clean and comfortable. You need to provide beds, tables, kitchen utensils, toasters, coffee makers, Wi-Fi, and cable. 

When a chair breaks or wine glasses shatter, they need to be replaced at your expense. 要跟上的东西太多了. 

长期租客不需要带家具的房子. In fact, they prefer to move in with their own furniture and décor. 你不需要提供毛巾和茶杯. 


专业物业经理你可以自己十大赌博信誉网站自己的度假租赁物业, 如果你愿意投入时间和资源. Renting out your vacation home through an agent or a professional property manager is a better idea, however, especially if you don’t want to manage the cleaners and the landscapers and the inspections between each guest. 

它是昂贵的. 短期度假租赁是非常劳动密集型的, so you’ll either have to do that work yourself or pay a property manager to do it. 

Long term 物业十大赌博信誉网站关系 是不同的. The management fees are less, and you’ll have the opportunity to partner with your 十大赌博信誉网站公司 以确保您的租赁房屋的表现如您所愿. You can set short and long term goals and talk about improvements to increase rental value, 租户的趋势, 以及市场在做什么. 这是一种由共同价值观驱动的关系, and you can leverage your property manager’s expertise to have a better and more profitable investment experience. 

度假租赁可能是有利可图的. But, to make some real money and have an investment experience that’s stable and profitable, 考虑转换成长期租赁. 我们可以给你看一些真实的数字,帮助你过渡. 请通过北郡物业集团与我们联系. 


