
When is the Right Time to Renovate Your Investment Property?

鲍勃·普雷斯顿- 2023年6月16日星期五

Renovating a rental property makes sense for many reasons. Those improvements you’re making will increase your rental value, allowing you to earn more every month when your tenants pay rent. 你也会抬高你的房产价值, which means the home is worth more when you decide to sell it later. 

出租物业翻新 也吸引了高质量的租户. You’ll face shorter vacancy periods and you’ll place reliable renters who can be trusted to take care of your home. 

You know that cost-effective 装修 are a good idea, but when should you make them?

The right time is not always going to be the necessary time. 当电器坏了,你必须更换它. Maybe that will inspire you to give all of your appliances an upgrade. 

Outside of desperate necessity, we’ve identified three opportune times to make 投资房地产 装修. 以下是我们的建议.


当你准备把你的房子卖给出租市场时, you want to think about both functionality and aesthetics. When tenants come to see the home, they’ll need to walk through a property where everything works. 修理并照顾好所有的东西 必要的维护

这些翻新更多是为了美观和吸引力. Once you know everything in the property is working, think about how everything looks. 考虑一下它会给潜在租户带来什么感受. 

The 装修 you make before you begin marketing your 租赁房屋 should focus on creating an emotional connection with prospective tenants. You want them to feel like they could move right into the property and turn it into a home. 


  • 刷一层新漆. Don’t bother with touching up spaces on the walls that need a lift. 相反,粉刷整面墙. It will give your 租赁房屋 a dramatic, modern look and feel. 

  • 专业清洁地毯. Previous tenants may have had pets and those odors are hard to remove. 如果你有地毯,用蒸汽彻底清洗. If you have hard surface flooring, make sure they’re scrubbed and polished. 别忘了踢脚板. 

  • Update the small fixtures that are minor but make a difference. 新抽屉拉手. 闪亮的水龙头. 厨房里的后挡板瓷砖. These are attention-grabbing 装修, and they don’t cost a lot.

The property you’re renting out has to look its best when you’re trying to market to tenants. 尽你所能进行装修. You’ll have a competitive advantage on all the other 圣地亚哥 租赁房屋s on the market. 


Making the right 装修 before you list a home will 减少空置 吸引好租户. 


When one tenant moves out, you need to work quickly to make the property ready for the next tenant. You might want to skip over the 装修 and the updates. Your goal may simply be to clean the place up and begin looking for that next lease agreement. 

Spend a little extra time making those 装修, however. You’re going to be maintaining and cleaning the property anyway. 在周转期间,装修是必不可少的. You’re hoping to charge more rent than you did during the last tenancy. Therefore, your home has to reflect its higher rental value. 

When you’re making replacements, consider the opportunity you have for upgrades and 装修. 地板就是一个很好的例子. Maybe you’ll want to clean the carpets or even rip up the existing carpet to put in new carpet. 这是一次革新. 

An even better renovation is pulling up that old carpet and installing hard surface floors instead of new carpet. 

这样做有很多好处. 硬表面地板更清洁,更容易维护. 它能延长你的寿命. 租户通常更喜欢它. You don’t have to spend thousands of dollars on hardwood bamboo floors. The laminates and faux woods are attractive and affordable. 你可以做瓷砖或乙烯基. There are plenty of options to renovate in this way, and you’ll be happy with the results. 

在周转期间, make 装修 that will justify a higher rental value and help you find well-qualified tenants. You can work quickly through these upgrades when you have a 可靠的供应商团队 还有承包商来帮助你. 一起工作 圣地亚哥物业十大赌博信誉网站合作伙伴 if you don’t have the resources and you’re not sure how to get the work done.


租赁更新在租期结束时,你总是希望 留住你最好的房客. 你不会想看他们走的, even if it means you have an opportunity to renovate your property and earn higher rents with a new tenant. 

和你的房客谈谈他们的计划. If they’re thinking about leaving but you want to keep them in place, you can leverage 装修 in order to keep them in your home. 提供地毯清洁或新设备. 找到 out if they want fresh paint or a better microwave. 

You can negotiate these things when it’s time to renew the lease. Most tenants understand that there will be an increase in rent. If you keep that increase reasonable and you offer a cosmetic renovation for the upcoming lease year, 你手里更有可能有一个更新. 

Maybe your tenants want a new mailbox or better windows. Perhaps they’ll request brighter exterior lights or more frequent landscaping. Talk about what they need to stay in place for another year or more. 

Renovating an 投资房地产 while tenants are in place is not always easy. 但是,如果装修简单,是可以做到的. 

Renovations in your rental property are always a good idea. 你在短时间内赚了更多的钱 长期. 你让你的房客满意. 你也保护条件和 你的投资价值 当你愿意改进它的时候. 

Let’s talk about the 装修 your property can benefit from, and how we can schedule the work. Please contact us at 北县地产集团 for all of your 圣地亚哥 投资房地产 needs. 


